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Advantages of attending Biofach India Digital Edition

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The seventh edition of #organicwebinars series is a special edition and the last one before BIOFACH INDIA DIGITAL EDITION. We will learn about advantages and opportunities that the digital show will offer from October 29th onwards. Please listen to organic industry leaders, our esteemed panellists exhibiting and supporting BIOFACH INDIA, meet already registered international visitors and get an overview of the conference. With a guided technical walk trough the digital platform, find out how the tool will support your business.

BioFach India representatives like Sivakumar Venugopal, Group Director of NurembergMesse India, Kamal Bhardwaj, Director as well as Event Patron Tapan Ray, Prathiti, live on #organicwebinar. Also in video statements from exhibitor representative from Envirocare Labs, Nimbark Organic Foods, Radico, Spices Board India, invite you to be part of the digital event from 29th October onwards. Representatives from international buyers are looking forward to the event, too.

Confirmed exhibitors by now. Register as exhibitor and be part!


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