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#Rooibos grows only there

Autorenbild: BiO ReporterInBiO ReporterIn

Rooibos Farmer
Rooibos farmer Johan inspects a tea bush.

The Northern and Western Cape regions of South Africa are home to rooibos and honeybos tea. The plants thrive only there. The destination of our trip was numerous organic farms that cultivate and process the special tea bushes organically. Our small group of organic tea experts learned a lot about the "survival skills" of the tea bushes and the problems of farmers in a changing climate. Importer Dr. Ben Kaukler, who is firmly anchored in the organic tea business in South Africa with TopQualiTea, also showed us the special processing of these popular teas. Franziska Geyer, managing director of Ökotopia, was able to visit her suppliers during the trip and taste the tea directly on site. We discovered fascinating landscapes and met many interesting people.

 Rooibos Farm Dammetjes
Breathtaking view from Rooibos Farm Dammetjes.


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